Saturday, August 30, 2008

Dear Health Department

Dear Mrs Inspector,

Thank you for letting us know when you are going to be stopping by. We make sure everything is up to snuff before you come, just to make your job easier. For example, we make sure we go ahead and date the dressings and milks and such so you don't have to toss them out.
I know how you love to see those silly hair nets on the cooks, so just before you come we make sure they put them on. Also, since you are a non-smoker, we make sure they don't smoke when they are around the food while you are there.
I know you hate it when we dry the silverware, since we are really kind-of just wiping the food
off that the dishwasher missed , so we make sure we get it done before you get here.
I just want you to know that we appreciate your good reviews and we strive to adhere to your strict standards so we can maintain a good grade. Letting us know you are coming just lets us make your walk-through easier on you so you can be in and out and all can get back to our regular routines.

"Your favorite restaurant"

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