The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen is centered around Jack Forrest, A high school football coach who is about to loose his job. As he sends his players off the field a chopper lands and is followed by a black suburban with a camera crew. Vince Sinclair, a TV host, approaches and tells Jack, "Congratulations, you have been selected, you are the next contestant on the Ultimate Challenge! You will return in seven days or less depending on how well you do. You could win ten million dollars. Your first challenge is you must decide to get into the chopper in the next 60 seconds or forfeit your position."
Jack has never seen the show and he could win ten million, which would be good if he does loose his job. On the other hand, the school board was meeting that night to discuss his possible dismissal and he should be there to defend himself. His friend and the vice principal, Kathryn coaxes him to go.
He makes the decision and signs the standard release form and is promptly shot with tranquilizer. He awakes on a plane with 9 other contestants, all of whom were plucked from their daily life. This show is much like Survivor, there are challenges and eliminations, unlike Survivor there are personal challenges that must be done to remain in the game, and they must be kept secret. The only rule in this game is there are no rules.
I am a big fan of Survivor so I thought this would be great. I did enjoy the book. It was a fun quick read. There was a side story that I thought was a bit predictable, but there was a twist to it. This is a christian book and I felt that side of it, at times was a little forced and trite. Overall it was good.
I give it a 3 1/2 out of 5

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