Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dear Addition-challenged

Dear Douche Bag,

When I saw you two people in front of me at Walmart today, I had a sneaking suspicion that your cart had more than 10 items in it, and we were in the 10 items or less line.

You see, it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but we were in Walmart, and no matter when you shop there or how much you're buying, it always takes at least 20 minutes to get checked out. I'm assuming that since you were(by appearances) about 50 years old, and assuming you aren't a complete moron who can't count or read for that manner, you should consider yourself lucky that I didn't use my mace. It would have been great to see you writhing on the floor, in tears, gasping for breath. I do not think this would be consider cruel or unusual punishment, however, I'm sure that would have only hindered my subsequent purchase and departure because they would have had to delete all 25 @^%&ing items that you had in the 10 ITEMS OR LESS aisle.

Next time you shop, please take time to read the notes that tell you how many item you should have in each aisle. If you have problems counting, bring a calculator or I may not be as gracious.

I will mace you next time.

Promise. StumbleUpon

1 comment:

John said...

I hate old people.