Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Waiting for Jack

I have recently read Waiting for Jack by Kristen Moeller. This is a book about how some of us tend to wait for the one thing that will finally make us happy, whether that thing is finishing school, getting married, losing weight, making money....you understand.

I was really excited to get this book, because I am one of those people who are waiting to be fulfilled. Let me tell you I am 44 and still waiting.

This book is broken down into 3 sections, body, mind and spirit. In the first sections the author tells us how she got to the point where she realized that she has been waiting her whole life for the "one thing" that will complete her. She also addresses how we look for things outside of ourselves to make us happy. The second section she talks about how we wait for a purpose, love, the right place among other things and in the last sections she looks at how we box ourselves in, our preconceived notions and what we thing life is.

Each section ends with a list of questions to help us reflect on out thoughts and things to practice. It was an easy read and her stories and the stories from others were helpful and interesting. I read through this book quickly so I could give a review, however this is a book in which you would want to take your time and really take in each chapter. When I finished the book I thought well there wasn't really a moment I thought, "So that's what I need to do." I did see my thoughts and mannerisms in there, but nothing that showed me how to fix it. I thought well that stinks, I thought I would be fixed. It wasn't until a couple of days later when I was reflecting on what I want to include in my review when I realized that is not how this book works. I was waiting for a book that would fix me! (shaking my head) I need to take my time and absorb each chapter, reflect in the ideas and take each day at a time. I got it...and I am going to do just that, reread this book slowly, applying the ideas, daily.

This book will not fix you. You have to stop waiting for perfection. This book WILL take you on a journey, if you take the time and are serious about it, to help you start living each day and stop waiting.

I give this book a 5 out of 5.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Best Quotable...Young Frankenstein

Well, I'm back. Things have finally settled down in tourist-land and I'm not working such long hours. I have 6 books lined up for review, but this weekend, instead of reading I watched a movie with my mom.
"Young Frankenstein" is a classic Mel Brooks movie (a tamer one than say "Blazing Saddles"!) that has some great quotable lines I found myself repeating with the movie. I thought this would be a great entry for a best quotable movie...so here they are...

Dr Frankenstein: "What knockers!"
Inga: (in german accent) "Why, sank you doctor"

Dr Frankenstein: (when stuck between a bookshelf and the wall (in a high pitched voice)) "Listen to me very carefully, do not put the candle back!"

Inga: (from behind the bookshelf) "PUT ZE CANDLE BACK!

When asked who's brain he got Igor responds:
"Abby someone"
Dr Frankenstein: "Abby who?"
Igor: "Abby Normal"

Dr Frankenstein sulking at the dinner table...
Inga: "You haven't touched your food"
Dr Frankenstein pats his food with his hands..."There are you happy?"

Inga (from back of a hay wagon): "Would you like a roll in ze hay?"
(rolling back and forth): "Roll, roll, roll in ze hay!)

This is such a great movie. If you have not seen this movie, you must rent it. I also discovered that Aerosmith wrote their song "Walk This Way" after watching this movie. There is a scene where Igor meets Dr. Frankenstein at the train station and walks down 3 steps hunched over stating, "Walk this way" Igor the hands the cane to Dr. Frankenstein and he hunches over and uses the cane down the 3 steps like Igor. Aerosmith thought it was hilarious and it inspired a classic song!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Is He Lying To You

Is He Lying to You? is written by Dan Crum, who is an ex-CIA polygraph examiner. Dan Crum walks you through how to tell if a guy is lying to you by showing you how to ask questions, what questions to ask, when to ask and what to look for. He differentiates between the types of lies men tell and why they might be telling them. He tells you the four reasons why men deceive and whether they are harmful or not.
Dan explains that a lot of times we go into situations with certain biases and that we need to learn to set those aside. He shows you how watch a guy to determine what his "normal" behavior is before you ask questions to see if he is truthful.
Some of the points in this book I knew intuitively, such as when a guy answers a question with a question or tries to make you feel guilty for asking the question, he may be deceiving. I think there are times we may know that people are not being truthful, but we don't always trust our gut, this book shows you when to trust those
I thought there was some great information in here, however I'm not sure it was very ground breaking. If you are a woman in the dating scene, you may want to read this book. He does recommend you journal about the guys, and for me this would never work....I don't journal, I've always wanted to, but I have a really short attention span and basically I can't write as fast as I think and by the time I slow down enough to write my thoughts, I'm bored. But I digress. If you are meticulous, this book my be an asset.
As I finished chapter one I saw "FREE BONUS: Go to ......to get a free download..." and "EXCITING BONUS: Go to ....get free excerpt from my new book..." At first I thought, "how nice, when you get this book you get a free scorecard and tools to help you and a look into another book," however when I got to chapters 9 and 10 and he has the EXCITING BONUS at the end of every chapter it felt a little desperate and, I don't know, like what we were getting out of the book wasn't as important as us needing to buy his next book.
I give this book a 3 1/2 out of 5. Probably would have been a 4 if he wasn't trying so hard to sell us his next book.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tulip Time

I live near Holland and work in the tourist industry. This week is
Tulip Time which means tourists from all over come to see our tulips. This means we work from 8:30 to sometimes 7:30 doing demonstrations and trying to sell our wares. This means I wouldn't have time to read, let alone blog...but as you can see I am blogging. It hasn't started out to busy...seems like the tourist business is feeling the economic crunch. StumbleUpon