Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My idea

I was struck by an idea while driving home from work today. I don't know why I thought of this, but I've heard great ideas usually come out of the blue. Do you know how you can support a child in some third world country? While I know they need help, I've always wondered why we as Americans think we have all the answers and have decided we need to be the saviors of the whole world. That is all well and good, but why, when we are so dysfunctional, don't we try to get our crap together at home first? Hence my idea....I will go down to the local homeless shelter and take a picture of a homeless person/family you can adopt. You can then send the money to the shelter, who will in turn, supply the family with the things it needs to get back on their feet. You will receive pictures and updates of all the good your money is doing for someone in your own back yard. I think its genius! Since the economy is taking a tanker and more and more are out of work and loosing their homes, I predict that the shelters wont be able to take them all in without extra help. StumbleUpon

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