Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jobs I'd like to have before I die.

Every once in a while I hear about a job someone has and I think...how do you go about getting such a cool gig???? I thought, for posterity's sake, I would keep a list of cool jobs I hear about and wish I could have.

1) Brendan Fraser's personal assistant. (call me Brendan!)(he he he)

2) Doing anything for google. (Free food?? sleep in?? bring you pets?!?!?)
I sooo want to work here!

3) Work for Pixar. ( playing with toys and the love lounge!!!)


vivasuzi said...

Oh my god I say Google ALL THE TIME! How'd they get such a good deal? You think companies would learn from that and start offering up more goodies to us :) I for one would love the lounge area for lunch breaks!

C said...

I know viva...I think if more places treated their people this well, there would be better workers and more productivity. You want to try harder for people that treat you well!