Saturday, February 18, 2012

My body is revolting.

 I don't mean "to look at" (well, on most some days I do mean that) but staging a coup, an uprising, a Network moment
I guess after the 40 odd years of eating what I felt like and lack of exercise, my body has had enough.  Last April, while bending over in the shower to wash my feet, my back seized.  I couldn't straighten up.  I yelled for my hubby who moved me to the bed and massaged my back.

His question? "Did you stretch before?"
WHAT?!? Am I so old and decrepit that I need to stretch before I shower?

I digress...
Next day I was stiff, but felt all had passed.
Little did I know, it was only the beginning.  I started getting back pain so I go to my primary care doctor. She's not sure whats going on... but hey, lets try therapy.  12 visits to the therapist and no relief so I go for an EMG.  I hate needles.  He sends me for an MRI and on to the next Dr who is basically a middle man.  I'm not really sure if she even has a clue.  I am informed that I have arthritic degeneration in my 5th lumbar and she sends me on to another Dr who gives me a shot near my spine to relax the muscles.  That makes things worse, so back to the middle man Dr.  This time she sends me to a different therapist.  This therapist knows exactly what is going on and she gets to work.  She explains to me that I have an annular tear and the spinal fluid is leaking.  This is causing me pain and numbness down my leg and we don't want that to continue or I will get nerve damage.  After 6 weeks I am finally getting to the point where I can work on strengthening my abs.  However, the middle man thinks that this is not good enough and she refuses recommend any more therapy and sends me to the neurosurgeon.  She informs me if I feel therapy is helping I can certainly go and pay for it myself.

So, on to the neurologist and another MRI with contrast this time.  This Dr tells me not only do I have arthritic degeneration but I also have pseudo cysts.  Spinal fluid is leaking which is why I have such bad pain in my leg but he's not sure where its leaking so until it gets worse there's nothing he can do.

So after 4 Drs, 2 therapists, and a middle man/dr and God know's how much money, I'm right back to where I started from.

Ahhh, the miracles of modern medicine.
